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Friday, June 26, 2015


I was actually, physically, in San Francisco (2008) when Proposition 8 came to a vote.  I was so confident it would fail that when it didn’t it was a heart breaking, stomach churning sensation.  Prop. 8 was supposed to be the next small step in the path to equality.  At least my basic cynicism served me well at the time and I was able to shake it off over a huge Giant’s Burger at Bill’s Place (the burger is named after the SF baseball team and includes avocado).  Oh, well, thinks I at the time; this issue will never be settled to my satisfaction in my lifetime.  So, today, I was prepared to seek out the nearest greasy-spoon burger-joint to drown my woes, pending the outcome of the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage.

Five to four in favor!  WooHOO!  Super-size the fries!

However, I feel like I have to call out the dissenters:   Alito, Kennedy, Scalia, and Thomas.  Now and forever their legacies will reflect their path on the wrong side of history and the extent of their hypocrisy, cold-heartedness and, yes, plain old stupidity.  I’ve listed them alphabetically but, putting them in reverse order, I want to especially call out Justice Thomas to look at himself in the mirror.   Yes, I’m probably being a tad racist here but I think he is a disgrace to his.


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