Mangos from heaven
This is the mango tree across the street from my
apartment. It’s huge and, although hard
to perceive in this photo, there are hundreds of mangos ripening rapidly on its
branches. It’s pretty spectacular as far
as fruit trees go and no doubt a boon for the raccoon population in my
neighborhood. At least the raccoons who
like mangos, which I suppose they must.
I wish I liked them better.
Mangos I mean. I like raccoons
okay. They are cute when they are kittens
(could that be right?) and probably edible but they are pretty ferocious when
they are sitting atop the recycle bin, frustrated they can’t get inside and mad
at me for noticing.
Update 5/18/2014: About 3:30 this afternoon the neighborhood was aroar with
chain saws and woodchippers. So much
for anticipating a free mango smoothie in the near future. The raccoons, squirrels, lizards and untold
insect species are probably as disappointed as I am.
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