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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL, United States

Friday, November 27, 2015

Holiday Perception

Artsy is as craftsy does and now that Thanksgiving is in the rear view mirror it seemed to me that a combination of an old pine cone wreath, a burlap ribbon and a bit of found Mexican tin ware could be combined to make an initial impact on the approach of the next holiday that is rapidly heaving, dare I say heaving?, into view.  The term “artsy craftsy” has become a pejorative but like anything else, it’s all in one’s own perception (and taste).  One man’s pumpkin pie (yum) is another man’s baccala (ugh).  I think I can live with this for a month.
Update 12/9/15:  Perhaps a change for the better?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Trouble in Paradise

This is killing me.  Yesterday I got this e-mail (in part):

“The pool is temporarily closed. An inspector for the state Health Department cited us today for not having a sufficient length rope attached to the life preserver ring and because the pH level of the water was too high (8.0 on a required scale of 7.2 to 7.8). Our maintenance man will be taking care of the rope first thing tomorrow and the pool cleaner will be asked to address the pH level.  We will try to get the inspector back out as soon as we can get the pool re-inspected and open, hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.  These inspections are unannounced and we were unaware that any of these things needed to be addressed until we were notified today.  Please do not use the pool until further notice.”

The rope on the life preserver ring isn’t long enough?  Huh!  The pool is not all that big and I thought that life preserver was purely decorative.  The pH level is a fraction too high?  Our pool guy was here in the morning and shocked the pool with some chemicals (as he does twice a week) and has told me previously not to use the pool for 20 minutes (since I’m usually the only person out there).  So this time an inspector shows up during that exact time and checks our pH level?  How about giving a warning about short ropes and too much chlorine (or whatever) before closing us down?

It reminds me of my local deli in Brooklyn getting cited (with a $175 fine) for having a sandwich board too far out on the sidewalk.  How about walking into the store and saying, “Hey, move your sandwich board!”

Sometimes big brother is too much too petty too soon.
But, hey, you know, “Sorry for any inconvenience.”
Update 11/27/15 -- Pool open for business this morning.  New life preserver with a lengthy rope; and, presumably, water chemically correct.  Woohoo!