Ismael Maldonado: May, 31, 1959 – April 12, 2009

Mima and I had so much in common it was amazing. We were in synch in so many areas that people thought (when we were all together in social situations) that his partner Paul was just our best friend. Mima and I had two areas of dispute; one minor and one exceptionally major. The minor one mostly resulted in a final “whatever” on his part when I questioned the level of his literacy because, unlike other areas in his busy life, he was lazy about his writing, which drove me up the wall because I have, admittedly, an aversion to typographical errors. Mima was so precise in so many areas of his life and interests that I never understood why he didn’t share this concern of mine. Sometimes I think he would deliberately misuse the words brake/break just to get my goat (it worked).
Our major battle was centered on his smoking habit. From the day I met him a hundred years ago (it does seem like he was always in my life) I was on his case. But, sadly, he couldn’t do it. Quit I mean. The only thing I was able to accomplish was that he ceased to smoke around me. I guess that was a small triumph but it did not accomplish the goal of complete and forever cessation.
I feel a diatribe coming on:

Oh, God, I hope there are no typos herein because I know Mima is looking over my shoulder and laughing.
So well put. He was a great person and Paul was a lucky man.
Love Dave and Fran
I am so sorry for your loss. The world has lost a fabulous knitter and a great friend.
Great tribute to Mima.
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