I am invited to an Easter dinner next Sunday afternoon at 3:00. Last week, whilst wandering the shady side of the West Village, I happened upon this interesting piece of edible tomfoolery. The family with whom I’m dining is fairly religious and they are kind enough to invite me to their holiday celebrations (the food is always spectacular) so I deliberately and without qualm put aside my distaste for organized religion in favor of slaking my own pagan taste for the fruits and meats of religious holiday feasts. In other words I hypocritically partake of the manna while the gettin’ is good.
I’m having second thoughts now and I will probably forego the joke of a marshmallow crucified bunny this year and arrive with two bottles of nice chardonnay; which is a favorite in that household even though I view it as an oxymoron. The nice chardonnay I mean; not the household.
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