KenKen OutOut!!!
I’m pretty much a product of or maybe, as some have suggested, a victim of The New York Times. I’ve admitted far and wide that a lot of, if not most of, my opinions on all things political, economical, cultural and even, yes, athletic are influenced by those top-notch journalistic magicians at The Times. I do have a fetish for words, wordage and word-play so The Times fits right in with my own desire to hone a vocabulary that is understandable without being too pretentious (well, sometimes those writers are just showing off but, then, so do I). So there you have it; another tribute to my newspaper of choice.
HOWEVER! Since I border on the fanatic about the daily Times crossword puzzle I am becoming increasingly annoyed by an attempted intrusion into its territory. KenKen needs to be, to put it kindly, shot. Well, since it’s newsprint it I guess it would be more effective if burned at the stake. Whatever, KenKen needs to die a (un)natural death, and the sooner the better. Or else it needs to be moved to the Business Section where the financial wizards (are there really any left?) can while away precious minutes/hours attempting to solve this excuse for a puzzle. KenKen is about math. The New York Times is about words and, thus, its world famous crossword fits nicely within this bastion of literary giants and panders to the purist pretensions of its readers, including me. I don’t tend to storm ramparts for any particular cause but I’m thinking of mounting some sort of attack on the new, rather nice looking, Times building if KenKen continues. What’s next? Comics?

6x6 KenKen is impossible to solve!
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