This is Buster Larkin, the first superhero in the on-going saga of my life; comix version (click on the graphic to embiggen). I have decided that Buster is 51 and currently the highly regarded proprietor of a mid-luxury bed-and-breakfast in Fire Island Pines, NY. For rates or other personal information feel free to ask by clicking on "comments" below and leaving a message. Buster may, or may not, get back to you.
Buster is the handiwork of a cool dude named Steve MacIsaac who has broken into the field of "adult" comics, although I understand he hasn't yet given up his day job: http://www.stevemacisaac.com/
Our collaboration was fun, Steve, and I thank you; we'll have to try this again soon.
Apparently, Buster Larkin works out every day and drinks beer. I like Buster Larkin. I wonder what his parents had in mind when they gave him such a "Boogie Nights" name. Or maybe "Buster Larkin" is a pseudonym...How/why did he end up in Fire Island? Why a B&B? Inn keepers in islands have dark pasts. They have to.
What is Buster Larkin's superpower?
Does he have an alter ego?
Does he wear a costume?
Is he human?
Is he a vigilante?
Is he a homo, or just the enlightened middle aged straight guy among the gays?
Who are his enemies?
Who is his love interest?
What is his weakness?
Does he have a side-kick?
We knows he wears a speedo.
Does he have a dark side?
How did he become a super hero?
Does he do tiling?
When were the bathrooms at the B&B last remodeled?
How does he deal with bad contractors?
So many questions! No answers! Your captive audience of one...potentially two, will not hold on forever.
...in time; all of your questions will be answered. How do you know he wears a speedo?
He has that "coddled" look in his face.
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