This is the logo for the upcoming Major League Baseball All Star Game. I saw this sometime last year and I distinctly remember thinking, well, “bleh.” What happened to imagination? What happened to art? Obviously the design choice was made by corporate committee with no one on the board willing to take any sort of imaginative leap. How bleh can you get? Here’s how:

The publicity for the game, which is taking place at the old, historic, storied Yankee Stadium on July 15th, is just now kicking into high gear. As part of the hype…er, I mean, celebration the city has given permission for 42 of these 8-1/2 foot tall replicas of the statue of liberty (30 of them painted to represent all of the teams in Major League Baseball) to be placed hither and yon around the city. The remaining 12 will be dedicated to other aspects of baseball including the one shown here, commemorating the old Yankee stadium, which is soon to be razed. Before you leap to defend these things as examples of “art,” please know that you can purchase 9” replicas of any or all of them at the MLB.com store for $24.99 each, plus shipping. Bleh.
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