Cast in bronze; worth your wait in gold

These whimsical cuties are made of bronze, are shiny from the caresses of thousands of passersby and are situated in a subway stop of the Metropolitan Transit Authority in Manhattan. They are sculpted by Tom Otterness and are part of his “Life Underground” series. It’s worth getting off the A, C, or E subway trains at the 8th Avenue/West 14th Street station just to take a tour of the platform. These little critters are hidden around corners, high on girders, coming up out of the platform itself and just generally giving us some badly needed respite from the cares and casualties of our individual worlds. You go Mr. Otterness! You go MTA!
Please, never forget that Tom Otterness adopted a dog and proceeded to shoot him on camera "for the sake of art." I think that is a direct quote.
Yes, it happened a long time ago. Yes, he has apologized for it. He's still, and will always be, a douchebag.
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