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Thursday, January 18, 2007

In a Red State with Blue Balls

I know this might be hard to believe but this even grosses ME out. I had occasion to spend a few days in the deep south recently and my friend Earl pointed this phenomenon out to me along a minor byway of a major highway in Broward County, Florida. I like to think I’m not above a bit of redneck humor but, to me, the motivation behind putting one of these devices on your truck goes beyond humor. I’m sure it’s meant to be macho and is motivated by a look-at-me (and, by the way, fuck-you) attitude, but a pair of testicles hanging from the back of a vehicle goes beyond gross. Of course they are selling like hotcakes in the south and the fad is probably spreading to other red states as we speak. But, damn, it’s just so damn disrespectful and, I think, misogynistic. Don’t these dudes have grandmothers?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is just not right. Doe they fla in the wind and the car speeds away?

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is just not right. Do they flap in the wind as the car speeds away?

2:58 AM  

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