I had pretty much decided not to send Christmas cards this year but my resolve has weakened. I really do like receiving them and I presume the people I send them to also like receiving them, although you can never be sure. I know that’s not the right reason for sending cards, that is, hoping to augment ones own pile of greetings, but I think (and hope) there’s more to it. I guess I’m just sentimental enough to think that I’m being honest when I wish my friends and family a happy holiday and a healthy new year and would like them to know it (and believe it). So I’m currently working on at least getting some of them into the postal system in a timely fashion. Today I got a good start by sending cards to the people who have already hit me up with theirs but, looking at my list, I realize I don’t really care if the exchange is fair. I want people to hold my good wishes in their hot little hands and smile or snicker or snort; whichever response is appropriate to their mood at that point in their day. The internet, of course, has made it a lot easier to keep in touch but there is somehow still a nice tradition behind sending cards. Maybe it’s just cheap sentiment but I like the idea behind it and there really isn’t much force of personality behind a smiley face. Is there? :o)?
Cheap sentimentality from Mr P... who knew!
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