Never underestimate the power of idle hands. Idle hands do things like dumpster diving and retrieving old bowling pins with the idea off making them into decorative objects! This can certainly be accomplished but, really, to what end? You dive for ‘em, which can be fun though dangerous to your health. You paint ‘em up (even though the task takes up too much living space) and then what? You certainly don’t want them sitting around your own apartment do you?

So whom do you foist…er, I mean, proudly give them to, thereby putting pressure on your friends and/or family to make them part of their own home décor? They are not even a good doorstop since they fall over at the slightest touch. It’s a dilemma for both the donor and the donee and, of course, the best advice is to just stay the hell out of other people’s trash in the first place.
Well, it's pretty wonderful and you have to keep it on display for a while so friends and family can admire it. But then I think you should donate this beautiful work of art to the bowling alley. Or maybe to the league -- they could raffle it off and add the proceeds to the party fund. This would allow you to be sanctimonious about doing a good deed and the damned thing will be out of your hair.
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