About seven or eight years ago I made two lists; two columns actually. The first column consisted of all the things I wanted to do in/with my life. The second column was check marks and I was pretty proud of the fact there were only a few empty spaces. One of the things not on either list was to grow vegetables or, for that matter, have a garden at all. Well, if growing tomatoes had been on my first list I could have now checked it off! In honor of my late friend Frank I planted three tomato plants in the backyard. Frank came from farming stock (in Wisconsin and Minnesota) and even as an urbanite in Brooklyn he conscientiously grew edibles and provided fresh victuals for his family and friends throughout the summer and fall. I was often the beneficiary of this beneficence and I thought he might like to know I have made this small effort to at least help me help people make fresh tomato salads!

I think I can pick the first ripe tomato in a couple days but I’m not really sure. Maybe I won’t pick it at all just because I like the way it looks right there on the vine. So my question is am I honoring Frank enough with just the visual or does it need to be eaten to complete the salute? Whichever I choose, here’s to you Frank, I hope you’re smiling!
Eat it. Vegetables are meant to be eaten. It won't last much longer on the vine anyway.
I ate it. Or rather I ate half of it; sliced, in a tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat bread. The other half I shared with a neighbor. I have no idea the vehicle on which she rode her half to flavorful fulfillment. Update: tomato number two is now pining on the vine to be picked. Yum.
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