My Weekend at the...oh, wait...

Swing Vote – “A pleasant muddle about life, liberty and the pursuit of Budweiser…”
In Search of a Midnight Kiss – “…is largely about how this likable pup (our hero) gets off the bench, the couch, his bed – out of his head and into the world – which means it’s about growing up.”
Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind – “There is no narration, and virtually no living human beings appear on the screen. Instead [it] contemplates the violence and struggle of the past by examining the markers and monuments that turn up in graveyards across the country.”
The Mummy; Tomb of the Dragon Emperor – “…the action sequences are edited into an incoherent jumble that makes you feel trapped on a rickety airplane sitting in a pool of yak vomit.”
Sixty Six – “A North London nebbish, whose bar mitzvah is about to be overshadowed by one of the most ecstatic moments in Britain’s history; its unexpected triumph at the World Cup Final…is a dolorous comedy that leans heavily, if inoffensively, on ethnic stereotypes.”
Stealing America; Vote by Vote – “…might have been this year’s most alarming and patriotic documentary if it weren’t so shoddy and dull.”
America the Beautiful – “Clueless, directionless and altogether pointless [it] will outrage only those who have spent the last 50 years in suspended animation.”
Frozen River – “…evokes a perfect storm of present-day woes: illegal immigration, ethnic tension, depressed real estate, high gas prices and dire poverty.” [This movie has garnered universal raves and just might be something I might see someday. That is, on the day I want to get depressed and perhaps suicidal enough to lust for succor on a rickety airplane with a lap full of yak vomit.]
Oh, yeah, lest I forget: There is a retrospective of Elliott Gould movies at the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s “BAMcinematek.” Say what?
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