Field of dream-on, McDuff...

This season I have come up empty and I have not attended even one game and, since there are only about 30 games to go, it’s not looking good that I will do so. There are no longer any baseball-buff buds within my own personal posse (except for one rabid Yankee fan who shall remain nameless because he is currently in the depths of despair over his team and, therefore, not to be tolerated on field or off…it’s not the end of the world, Fred, no matter what you think). The tickets available to me through my erstwhile office are now out of reach and, frankly, those “company” seats were not all that good anyway (more on that later).

The season-ticket seats at Yankee Stadium that my company maintained for years and years were touted as being “really good,” being in the second row in left field. To me, those seats had a problem with the viewing angle to home plate. If you look at a stadium, any stadium, the seats face the railing, right? Which means it is your head that has to swivel to be able to watch the pitcher and batter and, of course, that juxtaposition is the main drama of baseball. Being able to take a really close look at the left fielder, straight on, doesn’t totally cut it and ones neck muscles really don’t need that constant test of resiliency. My suggestion, and I’ve maintained this for decades, is that the seats, all seats, be angled inward so that everyone faces the infield, if not home plate, directly. This makes just too much sense to be adopted, of course. But I’m laying it out there, free of charge.