159 in the Shade

The play works well when these two ladies are reminiscing and confessing and regretting but it crashes whenever two sportscasters pop up, themselves former (second rate) tennis players of the modern era. Their characters are so supercilious and self-serving they become a parody worthy of Saturday Night Live. They get the laughs but risk messing up what is really a nice memory play for the two leading ladies. My companion suggested that these sportscasters might be merely a theatrical device to allow the two stars (who never leave the stage) to catch their breath and maybe take a sip of water. The other clunker is yet a fifth member of the cast who serves as sort of a Greek chorus of admiration for the two women and is, thus, totally unnecessary. These women have our love and admiration from hello.
The caveats I have about the evening are minor and, truthfully, I’m so in awe of Angela Lansbury there’s not much more I can say that wouldn’t sound ungrateful.
I thought your comments on Deuce were very interesting. It is hard to be too unbiased about a grande dame.
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