Is it my
imagination or am I correct in my assessment that NBC’s coverage of the Winter
Olympics is being edited to resemble a reality show? Can it possibly be more boring? Also, can my own hypocrisy in watching be
overcome by boycotting the Olympics, after the fact, on moral grounds? Can the fact that I am hoping that both the
Russian and the American men’s hockey teams and the Canadian and American
women’s hockey teams crash and burn, be a sign that I am unpatriotic? Is it wrong to
root for Finland, a country I’ve never been to and have no desire to visit? Am I so arrogant that I think arrogance
should not be rewarded?
Can curling
really be an actual sport?
Update: February 22, 2014 -- Wow, I almost got my wish didn't I? Both the Russian and American men flamed out. The Canadian women triumphed for gold and the American's fell, hard, to silver. I heard the Canadian and American women's teams are so dominant that the sport might be discontinued as an Olympic sport! Huh!
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