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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL, United States

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ms. Curmudgeonality

Have you ever bowled in a league where they gave out a Ms. Congeniality trophy?  Neither have I.  Their definition of “congeniality” is certainly not the one in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.  There is no mention of curmudgeon, grouch, grump or coot.  Sandra Bullock notwithstanding there is also no glory but a lot of room for irony, sarcasm and hoot-and-holler at the expense of its recipient.

Just let me put a word in here for world peace.


Anonymous Jessie in SF said...

I won a bowling trophy once for perfect attendance. There was a certain amount of hoot-and-holler when the award was announced which I interpreted as affection.

1:32 AM  

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