Ugo Unbound
I’m always on the look-out for “public” art when roaming around the streets of New York. But, as a general rule when I’m midtown, I deliberately check on the plaza at Rock Center (where the annual Christmas or, ahem, “holiday” tree is erected). It’s a big open space at other times of the year and there is often something interesting to see, whether it is art, or old cars, or whatever piques the imagination of whoever is in charge of that space.
Right now there is a display of huge Stonehenge-like sculptures by Ugo Rondinone towering over passersby. Not a big fan of this one. The “show” is called “Human Nature” but that’s just pretention and not words to live by. I still love the schlock of the old in the gilded image of Prometheus in his homoerotic nakedness so, hey, nothing is lost by just checking out the space. And there’s a new Lego store close by, which is fairly bemusing in a way.

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