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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here kitty kitty

Avatar is probably the most gorgeous movie you might want to see in some time and, I might add, the most clichéd. The plot is almost ludicrously ordinary and predictable: Marine meets native girl (daughter of the chief of course), loses native girl through no fault of his own and gets native girl in the end by, what else, going heroically native. In between there is a lot of war and important stentorian music, both military and pagan-ish (for the natives), along with the major thumps and bumps of modern military machinery which includes major slaughter of the indigenous population and the ruination of a great deal of beautiful ecology.

Although Avatar takes place in the distant future, on the moon of a distant planet, mankind hasn’t learned squat about anything, including good screen writing. The natives are perfect physical specimens, all with gleaming blue torsos and blue/green make-up, and they are definitely feline in their grace and athleticism (with the hisses and grrrs to prove my point). And, surprise-surprise, they live in perfect harmony with nature. By the way, I'd like to get some opinions about where the sex organs are located on these cats; although I have my suspicions.

The military Americans (we have obviously taken over the galaxy) spout early 21st Century street-speak and the scientific Americans, although not so gruff, aren’t much better. And Sigourney Weaver, the honcho scientist, smokes! I presume that is to emphasize part of her character’s irascibility but I, for one, was shocked. You mean the tobacco industry continues to thrive back there on Mama Earth?

Avatar is worth seeing if only for the beautiful special effects and the action, although not always relentless, had me checking my seatbelt a few times. I’ll probably see it again just to get another look at all that 3-D beauty.


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