Camping Out with Busch

Whatever, Die Mommie Die is the kind of show he is famous for and the kind of show that is expected of him and the kind of show he should stick to. I thought it bogged down about three-quarters of the way through with some complicated exposition explaining some hairy plot turns but the bog was circumnavigated cleverly if not all that surprisingly. I did, however, love Mr. Busch’s choice of murder weapon.
Since there are two shows scheduled on Saturday nights, 7:00 and 10:00, it was over really early (90-minutes without intermission) and weird to be back out on the street by 8:45 looking for space at a happenin’ restaurant in the theater district. One cool thing is that the Saturday before Halloween there are a large number of adults in costume heading somewhere important. I really should haul out my Captain America outfit; it still fits well and makes me look young and butch if I wear the jowl-covering headgear.
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