Freaky Fridays in The NY Times...Critics Binging on Adjectives

Although I rarely go see even well-reviewed movies I still avidly read what the folks at The Times have to say and they have quite a good-sized staff covering the field with, I might add, good writers who would be first-string critics on any other newspaper in the country.
In the very same issue of the paper there are ads for these movies with sterling and inspiring quotes from various other media sources. What I like to do, and shame on me, is winnow out quotes that should be used for these current movies; I even use a yellow highlighter. For instance, using today’s Times as an example:
The Heartbreak Kid, “a lame, long, ugly joke of a movie.” A.O. Scott
The Good Night, “sour and joyless.” Stephen Holden
Broken, “defies basic credibility.” Stephen Holden
Sea Monsters, “efficient but bland.” Matt Zoller Seitz
The Seeker, “frequently dreary,” and “feels passé and lacks a charismatic lead.” Jeannette Catsoulis
For The Bible Tells Us So, “won’t win any prizes for technique.” Matt Zoller Seitz
Finishing the Game, “mired in absurdity,” and “never gets off the ground.” Jeannette Catsoulis
The only fairly good review (by Manohla Dargis; a Times first-stringer) covers the new George Clooney flick Michael Clayton. She has some caveats but it would not be fair to cherry-pick them in my ad quotes since, overall, the review is positive. The problem with me is that I really don’t see enough movies (maybe ten-twelve a year) to want to trust my puny dollars to what could be a dud, including Michael Clayton. But I’m enough of an idiot to play my little Friday afternoon game anyway. OMG, millions of dollars and film reputa-tions shot to hell by, very truly yours, Peebstuff! if.
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