My friend Paul from Queasy, Mass. blew through town early this week and we cadged half-price tickets (on him) to
Drowsy Chaperone. Paul is a lot more forgiving than I am as far as musical theater goes and his one-word reaction/review was “cute.” I have trouble keeping things that simple but if limited to one word I would go along with that except, for me, maybe “non-offensive” might be a better choice (do hyphens count?). As a spoof it was certainly head and shoulders better than
Xanadu but not quite as good as
Curtains. Chaperone has been on the boards for a couple of years now but it probably would have gotten the same monosyllabic reaction from us if we had gone to opening night (it did garner several Tony awards although I can’t remember which ones). As in Curtains, and others, you just can’t beat the happy dancin’ feet of a Broadway show although, egad, one cast member in Chaperone did a roller skating bit. I’m going to start putting roller skates up there with revolving stages as a revoltin’ development in modern theater.
We also had pre-theater dinner (I do love expense-account dining) at a nifty place called
Etcetera, Etcetera on West 44th. Cool and pricey with a short, but choice, menu and I love the food and the place if only for the Maker’s Mark manhattans (perfectly served). Right next door is a joint called
The Bull Moose Saloon, the polar opposite of Etcetera, Etcetera. Maybe next time we can wear jeans and a lumberjack shirt and have, mmm, ribs and a Bud at the Moose.
Certainly, the delighful conversation over an expense account dinner, and your marvelous company, can only substantiant my overall critique of cuteness for the evening...Drowsyness aside...
However, you failed to point out - the specific landmarks to the general public, that Etc. Etc, has the Bull Moose Saloon to one side, whilst, Dyke Lumber Company is on the other side...
Paul from Quesy, MA
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