If I had a kitten his name would be Jasper. At least that’s what I would call him. Cat’s real names are something like
qdbddwrklbw which is, of course, incomprehen- sible to humans and therefore just another thing to insure the privacy of their feline inner space. Jasper is not a great name for a kitten but it’s sure good for a big old tomcat with attitude. I like big tomcats with minds of their own but, no, I don’t want a cat. I prefer to be the dominant animal in my household and tomcats with attitudes tend to challenge that ladder of ascendancy. All I can say is that it’s a good thing cats are lousy at opening cans or cleaning their own litter and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t last a fortnight with the Jasper of my dreams. Waking up with a feline draped over one’s breathing apparatus probably wouldn’t be entirely an accident.
Full disclosure: these thoughts and this blog would not have taken place if I hadn’t been rummaging around Google and run across this cute little kitty photo.
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