I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and listed my all time favorite movies; maybe I should get to that soon. The list would definitely include “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I think it came out in about 1993 and, even then, I thought it was way ahead of its time and never really got the accolades it deserved. I liked it enough to fork over $20 for the video tape (the price is still on the package) and I've watched it quite a few times since then. Now it has been re-released in digital 3-D and I had to hit the multiplex to check up on it. It’s still wonderful. It’s still artful and funny and weird and quirky and bizarre and, frankly, just as achingly beautiful as I remembered it. Forget the cardboard, the 3-D glasses they give you now are ugly-cool black plastic with large lenses and the total effect they convey is well, again, beautiful. Popcorn, Goobers and The Nightmare Before Christmas: a perfect twi-nighter at the local plex, and the six or seven other people in the audience thought so too. Talk about weird.
I worship this film....i had no idea you loved it, too. the joy of blogging. i might go see it again before it leaves...sometimes when i see it i sit in the first row.
and yes i would love to see your movie list.
add jackass2 to my list
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