I'm An Old Cowhand...

A more motley crew you cannot imagine, being a huge range of ages and physical attributes and tastes. And, of course, we all have our individual prejudices and cynicisms, with different levels of seriousness and senses of humor. Actually the sense of humor is a prerequisite for being in the posse. Otherwise you might as well hand in your resignation early because your ass will be heaped with ridicule, sometimes not all that clever. But to guffaw at you is to love you. Some pretension is okay but only to a small degree. We might give a newbie a break but not for very long. We are, however, basically a loving and supportive group (honest!) but, as I said, we always carry a grain of salt and fools are not suffered gladly. Well, some are if they are exceptionally attractive but, as I said, not for long.
We don’t travel together or date each other and we all have a circle of friends outside the posse but, still, it has become important to us; or to me at least. The one time we tried to do something major as a group was an enthusiastic convergence for a long weekend in New Orleans. What happened? You guessed it; hurricane Katrina’s blow to the solar plexus of that city coincided with our planned week of debauchery. Obviously some higher being decided we should stick to brunches.
I love my posse. It’s a good thing.

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