Whatever Happened to Bowling?

The lanes are top-of-the-line electronically-enhanced alleys with people (mostly young women) with walkie talkies keeping tabs on their maintenance. The small Pepsi costs $2.49 at the snack bar…other foodstuffs are priced accordingly. In other words, outrageous. The bowling itself is expensive too but I guess I shouldn’t be shocked by the change in prices on anything these days. There is also a certain “attitude” amid the young ladies who man the various concessions. Tipwise, it’s a demeanor to be regretted.
I tried to remember the last time I bowled and it has to be at least 13 or 14 years ago. In my old league days my average hovered in the high 160’s which was not too bad considering the condition of the facility. The equipment (balls and shoes) at the Piers are technically far superior to what we had in those days and the pins themselves seem to fly much more extravagantly than I remembered. Nonetheless I’m a tad ashamed to lay my scores on you but here you go: 116, 124 and 130. I would have done a lot better on the third game, since I was getting the hang of it again, but I sort of ran out of steam. Believe it or not, bowling does require a modicum of stamina.
We are called the Strike Squad Supreme which is just silly. I tried to surreptitiously change the “Squad” to “Squat” but they caught me and accused me of not having the proper team spirit. Can you imagine? Oh, well, onward and upward! If not the hero incarnate, I plan to be at least a credit to my team.
only you could make a bowling team name scatalogical.
PS go see Jackass. its soooo homoerotic
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