Curmudgeon; Definition of…

About 40 years ago, yes a lifetime, my late mother gave me a piece of advice that I will always remember and practice. That is, when in personal, private or casual conversation, or even in an important business meeting or around the water cooler, when someone uses a word you don’t know, never ever admit that you don’t know it. Smile knowingly, make a mental (or real) note and look it up later. Sometimes asking for a meaning of a word can make you seem interested in the conversation or are wisely seeking counsel, but usually it just makes you look like an uneducated idiot if the word is a fairly common one. Like “curmudgeon.”
Since I’ve become a self-identified curmudgeon (that would be since about 1995) and have even used the word in passing, both in real life and written down, I’ve been asked what it means. Generally, only half in jest, I respond that a curmudgeon is a person, when asked what a curmudgeon is, responds, “A curmudgeon is a person who, when asked what a curmudgeon is, responds, ‘Look it up, asshole.’ Although that seems to incense the innocent; it certainly promotes understanding.
Here’s Webster’s:
cur-mud-geon \ker-‘mej-en\ n [origin unknown] 1. archaic: MISER 2: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man – curmud-geon-ly adj.
What’s interesting to me is that a curmudgeon seems to be gender specific. I suppose old women can have curmudgeonly traits but as in lots of other areas, the masculine triumphs yet again!
You might have noticed I like to illustrate my little uninteresting blogs with interesting visuals. I think it sort of ameliorates some of the inevitable boredom; I’m really not sure of my motivation. I mostly garner them from and this time when I asked for something for “curmudgeon” I half expected to see a photo of myself. But it’s not to be; alas. Perhaps I could provide google with a photo for definitive future use — it works for me.
You don’t know the meaning of the word “ameliorate?” See paragraph two above.
you are not a curmudgeon! well not all the time. lol
A curmudgeon's reputation for malevolence is undeserved. They're neither warped nor evil at heart. They don't hate mankind, just mankind's absurdities. They're just as sensitive and soft-hearted as the next guy, but they hide their vulnerability beneath a crust of misanthropy. They ease the pain by turning hurt into humor. . . . . . They attack maudlinism because it devalues genuine sentiment. . . . . . Nature, having failed to equip them with a servicable denial mechanism, has endowed them with astute perception and sly wit.
Curmudgeons are mockers and debunkers whose bitterness is a symptom rather than a disease. They can't compromise their standards and can't manage the suspension of disbelief necessary for feigned cheerfulness. Their awareness is a curse.
Perhaps curmudgeons have gotten a bad rap in the same way that the messenger is blamed for the message: They have the temerity to comment on the human condition without apology. They not only refuse to applaud mediocrity, they howl it down with morose glee. Their versions of the truth unsettle us, and we hold it against them, even though they soften it with humor.
Wow, Mr. Winokur, I'll take YOUR definition over Mr. Webster's if I could just get all that on a tee shirt.
There are plenty of female curmudgeons. One of my favorite blogs is The Knitting Curmudgeon; google it and you will "better" yourself...
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