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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Southern Comfortable

This commercial just kills me every time I see it. I did some research and it’s had almost 7 million hits on YouTube (and counting). The product is Southern Comfort bourbon and, although I’ve pretty much graduated to more high-end whiskey for my manhattans, Southern Comfort is certainly a good basic ingredient.

But, hey, about the commercial: needless to say (although I hate that hackneyed phrase) I identify with that guy strolling the beach in his Speedo, sunglasses and funky shoes. I even like the dog and the way the dude dips his body a little bit when passing the pretty girl, and the soundtrack (Odetta’s “Hit or Miss”) couldn’t be more perfect.

Kudos to the creators who had the balls to produce it and get it out there for the world to see and even, just maybe, it might engender a little tolerance for the public exposure of “different” body types. The catch phrase “Whatever’s Comfortable” is pure genius. I guess I should go out and buy a bottle of Southern Comfort just to show my appreciation. Or, at least, write a fan-blog about it.


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