The best cookie in the world
The best cookie in the world, renowned pastry chefs be damned, is the chocolate chip cookie made from the recipe right off the Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate chip bag. The only variance might be how fine you chop the nuts or whether or not you use more chips than called for.
The best commercially made cookie is without doubt the unchallenged Oreo. The Oreo, made by the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco) in the same size, shape and recipe as it is today, came on the American market in 1912. I have been eating them since 1936, give or take a few years (and not knowing it was always a best seller—except in my house), so I have a lot of experience with the taste, and the fun and games you can play with the Oreo. Attempts to “improve” on the original have been tried with varying degrees of success but none; I say none, of them even come close. The Double Stuf is too much of a good thing and the chocolate filling substitute approaches this side of blah. The use of the chocolate “sandwich” sides of the cookie in recipes for ice cream and cakes and various toppings are just so much scattershot, and failed improvisations.
One very real annoyance is when the cookie shelves at the market have every variable but not the original. What’s up with that? Anyway, all hail the lowly and lovely Oreo on its 100th anniversary!
[On a personal note; I really don’t know how crossword puzzle constructors could even survive without the word “Oreo” in their repertoire.]

One very real annoyance is when the cookie shelves at the market have every variable but not the original. What’s up with that? Anyway, all hail the lowly and lovely Oreo on its 100th anniversary!
[On a personal note; I really don’t know how crossword puzzle constructors could even survive without the word “Oreo” in their repertoire.]
I totally agree that the chocolate chip cookie recipe on the Nestle's package is the BEST (thank you, Grandma). However, from a commercial standpoint, what about Hydrox? Marketed in 1908, it predated Oreo and, in my opinion, deserves recognition as the original type, is seldom found, and is a damn fine cookie. I personally am a huge fan of Nutter Butter, the main reason I avoid the cookie aisle at Safeway.
How can you possibly be my sister and yet be so wrong? Although predating Oreos, Hydrox never had a chance.
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