This is a collage by Adam W. Woomer and is made up solely of layer after layer of glue and cut paper (no paint has been applied). I think it’s festive and pretty cool despite the semi-androgynous look caused by the flowing yellow hair, and I think there is more than a vestige of peebstuff lurking somewhere in there. My sister has mentioned in the past that she thinks I do have a certain merman-ish aspect and I’m not one to dispute that since I feel amazingly (stupidly?) unafraid and at home in the ocean and, over the last 50 years or so, have experienced some pretty rough seas without much to protect myself other than a wet suit, Scuba gear, a snorkel, a spear gun, an abalone knife, water skis (not all of these at once—mix and match), and/or just swimming beyond the surf line fetchingly draped in Speedos of various hues. I’m not the merman I used to be but I can still hold my breath for an uncommonly long time and still love being immersed in water, be it the dangerous salty sea or a freshwater pool lined decoratively with tile sunflowers. More a manatee than a dolphin these days but I can wallow with the best of them.
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