I'm not sure spending $106.5 million for this Picasso was such a great deal. Oh, it looks pretty good on my wall but it really clashes with my collection of ceramic clowns (not shown). At least it's better than that Monet I had up there; that thing was really blurry and I couldn't do anything about that no matter how much Windex I used on it. I eventually put it out on the curb because it took up so much space. But I tell you, even that was better than the Monet haystack that some wiseguy advised me to buy when I was in the south of France last year. I had a hell of a time shipping it home and it blew all over the place from the air conditioner. Eventually my cleaning lady, Gerta, was able to vacuum it all up over time. That's her on the roller skates in the photo.
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