Play Ball!

I always enjoy the first part of the season because one can get reacquainted with the team(s)-of-choice, and their stars--but my interest starts to waver and wane as the weeks and months go by. I know the reason for the length of the season is economic (read greed) but I totally believe that 162 games is just nuts. A nice compact 80 games or so, like professional basketball, would probably have the same results (losers/winners) as 162. Part of my seasonal declining interest is also economic (read my own). I am basically priced-out of actually going to games anymore and, since I only have basic cable, I am blacked out for a good number of them--which influences my interest, or disinterest, until the Play-Offs start in the fall and then pretty much only if the teams I follow have a chance of at least participating in them. Frankly, I’m such a fair-weather baseball fan that I only start building a modicum of loyalty in about mid-September when it all starts to have meaning, leading up to the World Series. It’s probably a good thing Major League Baseball, and all their commercial sponsors, has as much, or as little, interest in me as I do in them since my age and economic status throws me into the dark corners of being a desired target audience; so it all seems to work out for both of us. So, hello again, Mr. Jeter...batter up!
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