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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ghost Bike

I saw my first “ghost bike” today. It brought me to a screeching halt and I wasn’t even in a car. Tethered to a street sign on the traffic circle by the movie theater near my home, it was a somber (and a bit eerie in the twilight) reminder that someone had been killed on, or near, this very spot while riding a bicycle.

I had heard about these ghost bikes four or five years ago when a friend-of-a-friend in St. Louis was mowed down and killed by a drunk driver. I thought it was a cool idea at the time but then pretty much forgot about it until today. Until recently, the establishment of these “ghosts” was left up to friends and families of the deceased but now I understand this grassroots memorial idea has caught on worldwide and there is even a coordinating website* that can be consulted to give you the how-to’s and wherefores. A bike is painted a solid white, including the tires, and left chained to a convenient pole or stanchion as near to the site of the individual tragedy as possible. Sometimes a plaque is included giving details, but not always. Sometimes it is simply a reminder to vehicular traffic as to what happened at that particular spot and hopefully might induce them to be a little more alert regarding bicycle traffic.

There have been no studies made about the effectiveness of these ghost bikes, or even if they are left where they are by the authorities for any extended period of time. Whatever the eventual fate of the individual memorials I still like the idea. Anything that moves me out of my urban complacency is a good thing.
Update August 25, 2009: Today I happened by the location of this bike and it's gone. I don't have any information about it's disappearance but, after all, a ghost is a ghost. One should not ask when and whence they waft.


Anonymous b said...

Who knew? Now I do. I feel so not with it.

8:34 AM  

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