There’s nothing new about put-ting cranberries in English muffins; Wolferman’s has been doing it for as long as I can remem-ber. But, as much as I like Wolferman’s products, when it comes down to a basic muffin I still prefer the nooks and crannies provided by the common (and well-advertised) Thomas’ English Muffins. Unless I’m totally out of it, which is not unlikely, I never noticed any sort of berry appearing in a Thomas’ muffin before last week. I love cranberries and all of the products thereof, so I was pleased to pick up some Thomas’ “Limited Edition Seasonal Favorites” at my local Key Food (right up the block!). Fresh out of the package, toasted and crowned with a spot of jam I got an immediate case of the
mmms, followed by an articulated
yum! I hope Thomas’ decides to extend its cranberry “season” year ‘round for this product. Tip: also delicious with peanut butter.
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