At one time I was a huge Saturday Night Live fan and for years back in the good old late nights I rarely missed a show. My current silly sense of humor was probably shaped by my loyalty to that cast of geniuses. In the interim I either grew out of it or the shows just couldn’t sustain the snuff I required to tickle the bone we call funny. So my interest lagged and I moved on with my memories of it. Occasionally I would hit it up again but usually in a casual way…okay, what else was on? Recently a new character has surfaced on the show that has gotten me into silly laugh mode once again. His name is Stefon and he was created and is played by cast member Bill Hader. Stefon appears on the Weekend Update segment of SNL and his job is to review the new, the hip, the weird and the ridiculous night life of NYC. The establishments he judges are fake but they could be real with names like Rust and Raw and Faux. Somewhat like the actual places that seem to pop up in the back alleys of the five boroughs that people like me only hear about after they’ve closed. Stefon is hysterical! Not only in his own persona but in the real sense of the word…he has me on the floor! If you don’t agree with me you will at least get a glimpse into what makes my funny bone tick. He’s like a flash of the old days when Gilda Radner could put me away for the evening. You go, Stefon!
...I LOVE "Stefon" and I think Bill Hader is one of my favorites, so funny at whatever character he takes on. :)
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