Chapter One
…The Aristocrats!”
…(Scottish accent)…but fook ONE goat!”
…I don’t know, but that one in the middle looks like Willie Nelson!.”
…and nine months later she gave birth to a toaster oven!”
…can you make one for me like that in white?”
…maybe so, but you’re pissin’ on my boot!”
…shoulda bought a hat, Ray, shoulda bought a hat!"
…because you piss me off, that’s why!”
…I sure as hell didn't wish for a 12 inch PIANIST!"
…I don’t know, but it’s eating my popcorn!”
…no, pequeno saltamontes, te cagaste en los pantalones!”
…(Indian guru accent) you mean it’s NOT a bowl of cherries?”
…and for the rest of you, thank you for flying Alitalia!”
…oh, is there a card?”
...looked so good I ate it myself!"
...but why would you want a girl with arthritis?"
...I donno whatcha been dooin' but yah won first prize!"
...but my thumb still hurts!"
…if I could walk like that I wouldn’t need a powder puff!”
…I don’t know, but it started as a wart on my ass!”
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