Maya Lin: Systematic Genius

Maya Lin will always be best known for her Vietnam War Memorial in DC but she has proved her subsequent worth, and genius, many times over since then. This particular installation was intriguing but to our untrained eye; probably for the wrong reason. Our main question was, holy cow, how the hell was this put together? One massive tinker toy of 2 x 4’s standing on end, it created a gorgeous wave of pungent cedar to examine and admire from a hundred angles, the natural light changing its mood and resonance. The fact that it smelled good too was just a part of the fascination. One surmises the lengths of wood are intricately measured and by some engineering feat cleverly glued together to form the overall undulating wave. Actually it’s hollow and was manufactured in various stand-alone pieces for easy transport and installation. Well, our worker-guy explained, not all that easy…but you get the gist.
This was one of three installations by Ms. Lin, called "Systematic Landscapes," at the museum but the only one visible to non-paying, tea-sipping, gift-shop-visiting passers-through. It was a nice little surprise and a privilege to be among the first to lay eyes on it.
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